Why Choose a SaaS Loyalty Solution
There’s a significant global movement to protect people’s privacy. This movement is requiring companies to be good stewards of consumer data to keep this data safe as well as give consumers a say in how a company uses their data. Privacy is key to choosing the right loyalty vendor.
Consumer privacy laws are cracking down on how businesses collect and use customer data. These laws make sure companies don’t use a customer’s data without their consent. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a standard set by the European Union, started the ball rolling in 2018 to ensure consumer data stays private and secure. Global service providers must commit to maintaining this framework for data protection to ensure optimum security of their client’s data.
Since GDPR was enacted, other countries and states have jumped on board:
Countries have different requirements, and laws in the U.S. vary state-to-state. The bottom line is consumers don’t want companies collecting or using their data without their permission.
Many companies have relied heavily on third-party cookies to implement advertising strategies. Google is planning to phase out third-party cookies by 2024, leaving companies scrambling to find alternatives. Google stated, “Users are demanding greater privacy—including transparency, choice and control over how their data is used—and it’s clear the web ecosystem needs to evolve to meet these increasing demands.”. This is greatly impacting how brands collect, use and protect consumer data.
Privacy and data protection require year-round vigilance, and we’re committed to protecting the personal data of our customers and employees. You can be confident we’ll process your data in alignment with existing regulations and adapt quickly if changes are required.
The Annex Cloud Privacy and Compliance team, led by our Head of Information Security, manages our privacy program, monitors its effectiveness and is responsible for:
Formulating, maintaining, and updating our internal privacy policies, procedures and tools to protect the privacy of personal data handled by employees and partners on behalf of customers.
Monitoring compliance with our customer-facing privacy policies, which are audited annually by a third party.
Ensuring commitments made to our customers, partners and employees are met.
Monitoring changing laws across the globe, and making necessary updates and modifications to our platform and procedures.
Everything you need to protect your customers’ data both internally and externally. Security and Compliance are also key requirements for an enterprise-ready loyalty solution.
Annex Cloud and our customers must comply with various global privacy laws and regulations. Common principles throughout jurisdictions include notice, choice, access, use, disclosure and security. Our platform is designed to allow you to achieve differentiated configurations so you can meet your country’s specific laws.
Annex Cloud founded our Loyalty Experience Platform on strict policies and procedures regarding access to and the use, disclosure and transfer of customer data. The core of our commitment to consumer security is that Annex Cloud employees do not access, use, disclose or transfer customer data unless it is in accordance with a contractual agreement or at the direction of the customer.
As data protection issues and global laws continue to evolve and become increasingly complex, Annex Cloud understands the importance of a holistic data security program. Review our privacy policy to learn more about how we manage and protect our customers’ information.
Our philosophy of Privacy by Design guides how we develop products and operate our services. We’ve embedded a holistic program into our services, from initial design through release.
We provide transparency into the geographical regions where our customers’ data is stored and processed.